Bloom's Taxonomy


What is Bloom's taxonomy and what is it for?

They are a series of key tools for teachers, which is based on the idea that mental operations can be classified into six levels of complexity growing. In a way that students learn differently in each of the levels; which will also depend on the student's ability to perform at the preceding levels.

Using Bloom's Taxonomy to Write Effective Learning Objectives ...

These serve to set learning objectives for students and thus plan the teaching-process process. The area of learning, the objectives set, the instruments and tools of evaluation and activities to be carried out.

There are a lot of activities that we can use in the diferents hihg order skills.

To creating: 

  • Videocasting
  • Animating
  • Song
To evaluating:
  • Reporting
  • Summary
  • Opinion
  • Self-evaluation
To analyzing:
  • Diagraming
  • Graphing
  • Charting
  • Reporting
To applying:
  • Editing
  • Role playing
  • Presenting
  • Interviewing
To understanding: 
  • Tagging
  • Comenting
  • Blog Journaling
To remembering:
  • Highliting
  • Social Networking
  • Searching


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