ABCD Model

The ABCD of working with diversity

Today, I'm going to write about The ABCD Model.

This model is widely used and well known by teachers around the world. ABCD model is one of the simplest but most effective model that can be used to ensure formulation of clear and specific obejective. By using this formula, we will be able to create clear and effective objectives. It consists of four key elements:

  1. Audience is the individuals for whom objective are intend. In this case, they can be primary school childre, highscool students, university students or trainee.
  2. Behaviour refers to the actions or abilities that audience/student show in learning process.
  3. Condition refers to the condition under which the audience/student is expected to show the behavior.
  4. Degree is related to the accuracy or standard to be demonstrated by the audience/student.
This is a example of how to write instructions useing ABCD Model:
ABCD Model for Writing Objectives: Course Design Resources

In my opinion, is easier wrtite instructions using this model, is clear. It will be useful to write your lesson's plans.


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