
New topic, blog.

Blogging is a two-way street | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
(In quarantine)

I've alredy seen and read about the use of blogs in the classroom. The different ways that we can use it.. I think that the use og blogs help us to practice our wrtiting skill, and here we can improve the quality of written expression in ELT

Blogs provide us a lot of content that we can use. Also, it provide us valuable opportunities for more controlled practice. In my opinion, the blogs are a great help of learners who need to brush up on certain aspects of the language. 

For example its benefits:
Promotes autonomous learning by providing opportunities for students to take more control of their learning.
Motivates students to become better readers and writers.
Promotes discussion among students.
Encourages the use of the Internet and the Web among students (and teachers)

There are diferents types of blogs, for example:
-Personal blogs 
52 Education Blogs You Should Follow | Social eLearning 2019-Business blogs
-Profesional blogs
-Niche blogs
- Reverse blogs, etc
So, this is a educational blog.


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